How to Create a Landing Page That Converts?

how to create a landing page

Your landing page will likely be the first thing that potential customers see when they visit your website or offer. However, they will not remain for long if the page is not fast, straightforward, and trustworthy. How can you convince them to complete a purchase, register for your event, or subscribe to your newsletter if they don’t stay around?

Internet content includes, among others, web pages, best-deal offers, and fraudulent websites. Getting people to stay around will require additional effort on your part, but it will be worth it when you see your conversion rates and revenue increase.

However, it is easy to say these things; the secret resides in taking action. In this post, we will discuss how to construct a landing page that will help you achieve your marketing/sales goals.

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is any web page that a user can land on, but in the context of marketing, it is typically a standalone page, distinct from your homepage and other pages, that serves a singular, specific purpose. A landing page is a fulfillment of any promises made in the content. In essence, it is the next stage towards converting a visitor into a customer. Your landing page allows you to exchange your contact information for a special offer, a piece of information, or a transaction.

Landing pages may be click-through pages that lead to another page, such as your e-commerce site, or pages designed to generate leads. In exchange for the submittal of contact information, typical landing pages for lead generation offer incentives such as a free eBook, trial, contest entry, or webinar registration. A successful landing page will persuade potential customers that it is beneficial to exchange their personal information for whatever you are offering. Landing pages are discoverable via general queries and your organization’s website, thereby increasing the likelihood that a potential customer will visit them.

There is no requirement for a single landing page or a single landing page at a time. In fact, marketing specialists likely recommend that you maintain multiple landing pages aimed at segmented customer populations.

Different Types of Landing Pages?

There are numerous methods to utilize this page type on your website.

  1. Lead Capture: Used to collect email addresses, contact information, and Facebook messenger contacts. The most prevalent application is email address lead acquisition.
  2. Thank You Page: After a visitor provides their email address, completes a form, or purchases a product, it is advisable to direct them to a thank you page. Here, you can lead them to relevant product or service information. You can provide them with connections to additional products or social media profiles. Additionally, the Thank You page can be used to activate an advertising pixel (Facebook, Google Ads, etc.). Knowing which ad network users have already become customers or email list subscribers allows you to avoid advertising to them.
  3. Product Page: Any eCommerce (or non-eCommerce) product page can be used directly as a landing page.

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When Do You Need a Landing Page?

In some cases, a landing page is the most effective way to generate sales or capture prospects. It could be when you use PPC advertising, a lead magnet, to attract various categories of customers, or to make testing simpler.

PPC advertising: Google evaluates the content of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising in part based on its relevance to the linked page, so a landing page dedicated to a specific advertisement ranks higher in search results. A dedicated landing page with pay-per-click (PPC) advertising can be utilized to promote a new product whose exclusivity generates sales momentum. It can attract customers seeking a particular price. PPC services offered by experts will take care of optimizing your landing page.

Although an event promotion should be posted on your brand’s website, where it will be discovered by existing customers, a dedicated landing page will attract customers who are only interested in that event.

Lead magnet: Magnet for generating sales leads. A lead magnet is any type of helpful content that requires a user to submit a form in order to access it. Even if they provide only their name and email, they qualify as a prospect. Create a landing page for the lead magnet that conveys content, the form, and keywords. Content offers (lead magnets) include a webinar in which an expert panel responds to consumer queries, an e-book, a free sample, or a limited-service offering. Develop a guide or checklist to assist consumers in accomplishing a task.

Focus attention: A landing page concentrates the attention of visitors on the content. They can either take action or return to the search results.

Attract different types of customers: Different categories of customers can be enticed with the help of custom landing pages. Its impact on the target audience will be determined by the page’s content, design, advertising, and offer. Landing pages can be optimized to attract consumers from a specific location, demographic, or price- and quality-conscious individuals.

Easier testing: A landing page is a single page with a singular focus, making testing more straightforward. With the proper tools, the page can be frequently tested to ensure that it is engaging and user-friendly. Testable components include copy, voice, media, and keywords. Personalizing content with information about prospects typically increases conversion rates.

Tips for building a landing page that converts

1. Increase the loading speed for your landing page

According to some studies, nearly 70% of consumers acknowledged that page load times influenced their purchasing decisions. In addition, more than half of the responders would click the back icon if the page took longer than six seconds to load.

There’s no question that load speed is important and will impact your conversion results. However, what could you do to minimize the potential performance-related loss?

Get a good host and a good hosting plan

Obtain an excellent hosting plan that supports your page’s response times before anything else. The fundamental hosting service statistics are load time and uptime. Additionally, ensure that your hosting plan has the required efficacy for the number of visitors to your landing page. If you anticipate needing more resources, consider upgrading or altering your hosting plan.

Reduce file size

Secondly, maintain a “light” landing page. This means that you should avoid having files on your landing page that take an eternity to display. In general, images are one of the primary causes of a slow-loading website. The greater the weight of your images, the more data they contain, and the longer it will take for those images to load.

Use the proper file format and compress your images before uploading them to your landing page to avoid submitting large images.

In addition, don’t neglect to configure your landing pages to load images asynchronously. Lazy loading is the practice of delaying the loading of images on a webpage until the user is physically near them. For example, images at the bottom of a page only load just before you reach them, rather than simultaneously with the rest of the page. This creates the impression of a quicker loading rate.

Keep your code clean

Last but not least, strive to keep your code clean and simple for optimal landing page performance. Frequently, website proprietors wish to captivate visitors on their landing pages with engaging visuals and interactive components. These interactive elements require a great deal of code to function correctly, which places additional strain on the visitor’s browser and slows down page loading. Despite the fact that interactive elements are excellent attention-grabbers, you should consider whether the performance loss is worthwhile.

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2. Optimize your landing page for mobile

It is not a secret that smartphone utilization increases annually. According to some research, there were approximately 6.26 billion smartphone users in 2021, with this figure expected to rise to 6.58 billion by 2022.

It is a fact that mobile devices are used to access your landing page. Now, if your page is not entirely responsive and mobile-optimized, you could experience a significant drop in conversions in the future. However, using modern website-building tools, it is simple to create your landing page mobile-friendly.

Check the mobile layout of your website to ensure that it appears good on all devices. If you discover that your site doesn’t appear great on mobile, you can find a plethora of tutorials and tips online to make your site mobile-friendly.

You can accomplish this by constructing your landing page with HTML5, which supports the majority of prominent devices and browsers. There are numerous guides and step-by-step tutorials available for use.

Finally, when designing your landing page, keep in mind that some of your potential consumers may access your site via 3G or a slower connection. It is more advantageous to maintain the website as “light” as possible for mobile users. Digital marketing companies can help you with optimizing your landing page for mobile.

3. Keep it short and simple

When it comes to marketing messages, our attention span is relatively brief. It’s not surprising given the billboards, advertisements, email promotions, and other forms of advertising that barrage us daily. Nonetheless, this indicates that your landing page should be as direct and straightforward as feasible.

Create the structure of your landing page with simple navigation in mind, and avoid lengthy blocks of text. Instead of writing a description of your service or a value proposition, use images or other visual content to make it simpler to scan and obtain an overview. Images are also an excellent method to attract visitors and keep them on your landing page.

Video content is an effective means of capturing your audience’s attention. However, it can impair your statistics if the content is irrelevant, irrelevant, or irrelevant to the offer. Since video content will rapidly capture the attention of your visitors, it may cause them to disregard everything else. In addition, if you do not configure and optimize your video effectively, the speed of your landing page may suffer. Keep this in mind when considering whether or not to add videos to your page, as we’ve previously discussed the significance of landing page speed.

4. Create trust in your landing page

It is challenging to convert someone who lacks trust in you or your website. Even if you have the finest product or service on the market, you will not see the conversion rates you should. Consider including elements on your landing page that instill confidence and demonstrate customer satisfaction.

A landing page with impeccable grammar and punctuation is the very first step toward establishing credibility. We associate misspelled emails about winning a lottery that you did not enter with lottery scams. The first red flag your visitors will notice is bad grammar, which could lead to a total misunderstanding of your marketing message.

Once you are confident in the accuracy of your messaging, you can add a variety of elements that increase consumer confidence in your product or service.

Testimonials from other customers

Consider who your prospective target audience would like to see using your product or service by putting yourself in their shoes. Then, solicit feedback from your current consumers and include their endorsements on your landing page. Potential consumers will be greatly influenced by the sight of satisfied customers who are similar to themselves. However, make sure to get feedback from actual people and not just create fictional characters.

Contact information

Include your company’s contact information so that potential customers can reach out with inquiries or for more information about your offer. Include your company’s email address, phone number, physical address, and any other contact information.

Live chat plugin

There is nothing better than receiving instant responses to your queries through a live chat option. This will eliminate an additional step that your potential customers must take if they have concerns or want to verify your company.

5. Add a clear CTA

You can have all of the aforementioned elements in place, but if your potential customers do not comprehend the next step immediately, they are gone. Herein lies the significance of an excellent Call to Action (CTA).

Ensure that your CTA is visible and explains the action the user will take when they select it. It is also preferable to be creative with the button’s copy, rather than simply writing “Submit.” Consider the CTA as your punchline, which provides the potential consumer with a compelling reason to click. Moreover, ensure that your CTA stands out from the other elements on the page. One piece of advice is to give the button a conspicuous color and placement on the page.

Add urgency to your landing page as a second useful strategy. You can do this by adding a countdown to your offer, thereby limiting the duration of the landing page’s availability. However, ensure that the limited-time offer is legitimate; otherwise, it will be difficult to reestablish the customer’s trust.

Bonus tip: Add analytics and A/B test variants of your landing page

The easiest method to accomplish this is by integrating Google Analytics into your website. This enables you to collect data about your landing page’s visitors and establishes a benchmark for future decisions.

In addition, it is always advisable to test two different landing page variations and compare the results after a period of time. A/B testing will enable you to make data-driven judgements regarding what works best and what changes you should make to future versions you wish to test.

If you want to learn more about using various marketing tools by Google to improve your conversion, read the article about Go beyond the click with the “Landing pages” page

Final thoughts on Building a High-Converting Landing Page

Your conversion rates will increase significantly if your landing page loads quickly and is simple to navigate on any device. Be sure to include trust-building elements, and always strive to improve based on the data you’ve gathered.

Follow all of the guidelines in this article for the best results, as they complement one another. You can always A/B test various versions of your landing page to determine what works best and what you should prioritize.


Frequently Asked Questions

What elements are essential for designing a high-converting landing page?

A landing page with a high conversion rate must have a clear headline, concise copy, pertinent visuals, an enticing call to action (CTA), and a clean layout. Minimize distractions and ensure message and user expectation alignment for optimal results.

How can I create a compelling copy that engages visitors and motivates them to take action?

Create persuasive copy by conveying benefits, addressing pain points, and employing action-oriented language. Maintain it concise, scannable, and focused on the value your offer brings to encourage visitors to take the desired action.

What role does visual design play in increasing landing page conversions?

Visual design enhances the user experience and effectively conveys your message. Use high-quality images, consistent branding, and strategic placement of elements to direct visitors’ attention and create a conversion-focused, visually attractive layout.

Are there specific strategies to optimize call-to-action buttons for better conversion rates?

Yes, CTAs should use contrasting colors, plain language, and prominent placement. Keep them succinct and action-oriented, conveying the significance of the action users will take. Experiment with size and placement to determine the most effective combination.

What should I consider when selecting images or visuals for a converting landing page?

Choose visuals that will resonate with your audience and complement your message. Choose pertinent, high-quality images that reinforce the benefits of your offer and foster a positive emotive connection with site visitors.

How can I optimize the loading speed of my landing page?

Compress images, minimize code, and take advantage of browser caching to speed up page load times. Utilize a reputable hosting service and limit the use of external scripts. A landing page that loads quickly improves the user experience and reduces bounce rates.


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